First day of school in Kulusuk

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Manu | 17 August 2016 | 2 comments


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The only new kid of this year in Kulusuk school and his grandparents with whom he lives

It was the first day of school in Kulusuk yesterday. I had the pleasure to visit the local school and attend the ceremony to welcome the new kids starting their school career.

Greenland, inuits

The young boy receiving small presents front he school Director

This year only one new kid is starting the school. He arrived, dressed in the national dress, together with his grandmother and family to be welcomed at the school by teachers and other kids. They had prepared tea and cookies for him and everyone else , and for some presents, like a new pupil’s kit to start his new life adventure. It was a very official but also sweet ceremony, an old tradition to encourage kids who start their school journey.

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People congratulating his grandmother for the day

Here it is some pictures of the little fella surrounded by love.

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Greenland, inuits

The link between the kid and his grandmother looked so strong

Ieri a Kulusuk c’è stato il primo giorno di scuola ed ho avuto il piacere di poter partecipare alla cerimonia che dà il benvenuto ai nuovi bambini che cominciano la loro carriera scolastica.

Kids of Greenland

Kids of Kulusuk

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Quest’anno c’era solo un nuovo bimbo ad iniziare. E’ arrivato indossando il vestito tradizionale groenlandese bianco, accompagnato da sua nonna, che lo cresce, e dalla sua famiglia. I suoi maestri e gli altri bambini lo hanno accolto e gli hanno dato il benvenuto con tè e biscotti, e alcuni piccoli regali per aiutarlo a fargli cominciare l’anno e ad incoraggiarlo nella sua nuova avventura. 

Qui di seguito alcune foto del piccolino e delle vibrazioni positive che lo circondavano.

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Good Luck little boy!

Good Luck little boy!