If now you ask me about Morocco…

Manu | 13 February 2013 | 1 comment
If now you ask me about Morocco…

    Warm breeze, people in the streets, talking loud, smiling, greeting, people thinking I am Moroccan, tajine, couscous, no pork, no beer, hashish, ice cream, Chefchaouen, the Rif Mountains, many people called Mohammed, old Medinas and new towns, football, Africa cup, Fes, labyrinth streets, tea with tons of sugar, tea served in small glasses, […]

Entering Africa from Chefchaouen coloured doors

Manu | 24 January 2013 | 1 comment
Entering Africa from Chefchaouen coloured doors

My first step in Africa and in Morocco has been just glorious. Chefchaouen, the blue town, lost and hidden in the middle of beautiful mountain rages, has given us the best welcome ever to this country that I already love it a bit.   I felt almost like an invisible ghost last night when we […]