My 2015 in people

Manu | 27 December 2015 | no comments
My 2015 in people

  We are few days away from the end of the 2015 and looking back at my year in pictures I just realized how amazing it has been for me! I strongly believe that if something makes you smile than it is good for you, and today, when saving my mobile photos I noticed how […]

Mexico City, where to start?

Manu | 9 December 2015 | no comments
Mexico City, where to start?

Arriving in a megalopolis like Mexico City, the biggest city in the world, can be a real cultural and emotional shock. The 1st impression you may have is a feeling of lost. The city wraps you immediately in its craziness, in the noise of its exaggerated traffic, in its pollution, in its over inhabited streets, […]