Africa: your questions, my answers

Manu | 27 August 2013 | 1 comment
Africa: your questions, my answers

Here it’s some of the most common questions I had to answer once back home   How was it? How is Africa? Africa is a wonderful land and the trip was amazing. It is still too early to talk about it and tell you everything, I feel I have to absorb the thousands emotions felt […]

Kribi, last relaxing paradise

Manu | 25 May 2013 | no comments
Kribi, last relaxing paradise

  Kribi is one of those places that have nothing special but that you keep loving for the rest of your life.   The day we arrived in the village it was public holiday in Cameorun, and since the early afternoon all the people were in the street, chatting, drinking and most of all dancing […]

Cameroun, African beauty in a nutshell

Manu | 20 May 2013 | no comments
Cameroun, African beauty in a nutshell

From the moment we passed the border, Cameroun has been an explosion of colours and shapes. At the border, where we slept the night we arrived, I had one of the most enjoyable nights of the entire trip, surrounded by local kids who were almost fighting to come to sit on my knees. Like everywhere […]