Lomé and the smile of Togo

Manu | 27 April 2013 | no comments
Lomé and the smile of Togo

Even if it’s one of the smallest countries of Africa, Togo has been able to pleasantly surprise me and leave a trace in my heart. It’s certainly because of its amazing people, less lazy than the Ghanaian, and much more honest then the Benin ones, where I am currently. Lomé is an amazing town that […]

A day at the voodoo fetish market of Lomè

Manu | 17 April 2013 | 3 comments
A day at the voodoo fetish market of Lomè

There is a bit of everything at Lome voodoo fetish market; there is what you expect, like cows’ head bones or horses hair tails, and there is what you don’t expect, like dead cats’ heads, or even what you have never seen in life, like cobras’ or antelopes’ heads. Once you enter it, you enter […]