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Manu | 25 January 2012 | no comments
backpack, backpacking

My Backpack, my travel mate of the past 13 years around the world….


Long time ago, at the time when I was living in Edinburgh, Scotland, I went to a special exhibition about Life, the common life of people. People in town had been asked to donate an important object of their life, symbolizing stories, their stories and emotions, and to write down a short description about its special meaning .


In the middle of nowhere...with my backpack

Summer 2004, In the middle of nowhere…with my backpack

I saw a little bit of everything at that exhibition, from an old gramophone to a first edition of “A night at the Opera” , I saw the last home phones and the first mobile, more or less of the same sizes, but I remember there was one object that captured my attention, and that was a backpack, donated by someone to display the most important part of his or her life. The description was so beautiful that I had to take pictures of it; I couldn’t imagine a different way to express the feeling I was discovering in that period and that kept me like that since then, the feeling of being a traveler.

Many travels and miles later, I got the meaning of that sensation, I could finally understand what a travel feels for his or her own backpack, and I have the same for mine.



2012: Me and my backpack getting to Reykjavik, The first time I went traveling across Iceland, in winter and after being kept at the airport for hours for suspect possession of drugs!

Since then, I think I have been pretty much everywhere with it. For every departure, I like to ask my friends to take a picture of me with my backup. It’s funny to see how the years go by and in all my pictures there is always me and my backpack!


Vestmann islands, iceland

At the Vestmann Islands, 2010

I like to imagine myself like a turtle when I wear it. I carry my green house on me traveling the world. On my 1st trip I to decided buy a flag patch in each place I would have gone. I got my mum sewing the first one and then, even if I kept buying them all, I never sewn anything else. It’s funny now as the only one appearing on it is the Norwegian flag! The first time I went to Iceland, at the airport of Akureyri they asked me in Icelandic if I was Norwegian, and you should have seen the face of the guy when I answered I wasn’t Norwegian, in Norwegian! The guy then immediately pointed the small patch on my backpack!



Reaching Havana airport by feet, with 35 degrees and a backpack…only in Cuba

I love my backpack, I couldn’t even imagine traveling somewhere without. I have everything organized in it.Now, after years, I know already where I put everything. Filling it with what I need before a trip is like a ritual, and when I close it and I place it next to the exit door of my house…well..yes…I feel free!


Like a turtle, with a backpack on my shoulder, in my favourite condition of life