Teotihuacan, a step closer to the Sun

Manu | 1 December 2015 | no comments
Teotihuacan, a step closer to the Sun

Stepping up all its 248 steps to get to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, the highest temple of Teotihuachan site, resembles Icaro’s long way towards the sky trying to touch the Sun. The Pyramid of the Sun, the third highest pyramid in the world after Cheope, in Egypt and Cholula, also in […]

London, how it all began

Manu | 22 June 2012 | no comments
London, how it all began

It was the 23rd of July  2005 when I arrived in London for  the 1st time . It was only few days after the bomb attack, everybody had suggested me and my friend not to go, but that place was calling us since ever. It was a deserved trip after a long year of study […]

Queenstown – The Queen of the Southern Emisphere towns

Manu | 20 November 2011 | no comments
Queenstown – The Queen of the Southern Emisphere towns

  Queenstown, New Zealand, March 21st 2008   This town perfectly embodies the spirit of New Zealand, with its colours, its flavours, the little interweaving streets and its people… the wonderful people who live in this place kissed by the gods…. Queenstown has not only welcomed me, but hugged me and literally made my fly. […]