Moving abroad, getting at destination

Manu | 19 June 2014 | no comments
Moving abroad, getting at destination

    You realize you are moving abroad only the night before the departure, when you finally go to sleep after having spent the last month saying goodbyes to all your family and friends, trying to convince them and yourself it was a good decision. It was, no worries. In the bed, the night before […]

Happy Birthday to me! One year of 1st impressions…

Manu | 24 November 2012 | 5 comments
Happy Birthday to me! One year of 1st impressions…

  One year ago My 1st impressions was officially starting to hit my daily life and your daily network update !!! For me it was an exciting moment, it was almost like publishing a book, I could finally start sharing my travels and photos with my friends and with those who didn’t know me at […]

Sinterklaas in Amsterdam

Manu | 18 November 2012 | 3 comments
Sinterklaas in Amsterdam

I am not a big Christmas fan at all, but I must admit the arrival of Sintaklaas in Amsterdam is contagious and today I experienced it! The legend say that Sinter Klaas, Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Mira, came to Holland from Turkey before reaching his final destination in Spain. And every year he comes back […]

A little bit of Metal…

Manu | 24 September 2012 | 1 comment
A little bit of Metal…

  Baroeg Open Air festival has been one of the coolest metal events I have ever been since long time. Great weather, great people, liters and liters of beer and two stages where new Metal Bands and Old Ones performed all day, from 1pm to midnight. The entrance to the festival was free. This made […]

You can call me Manu

Manu | 26 August 2012 | 15 comments
You can call me Manu

Here it is some curios facts you may find interesting, funny or if you know me in person just typical me!   – I am left handed  – I speak Norwegian – I actually have a Degree in Scandinavian Languages and Literatures (Norwegian and Danish) in Rome – I am a cat person who is […]

A sunset to remember

Manu | 20 August 2012 | no comments
A sunset to remember

What a great day of sun, light and warm I just had this weekend, one of those perfect days when mother Earth makes it everything posssible, even bathing in the Northern Sea with 30 degrees celsius. It may be that this was the last day of summer here in Holland, or at least for me […]

A day in pink at Amsterdam Gay Parade

Manu | 5 August 2012 | no comments
A day in pink at Amsterdam Gay Parade

I must say when Amsterdam wants to party, it does it right! This year, it was the first time I was in town for the Gay Pride, as I am usually hanging around Edinbugh this time of the year. Here in the Dam, the 2 most important days of the year are Queensday and The […]

Holland: land of wind and windmills!

Manu | 1 August 2012 | 1 comment
Holland: land of wind and windmills!

What a fairy land  the country side of Holland is! A truly surprisingly beauty that I didn’t expect at all. As soon a s you step up from the city center, Holland invades your sight with its peaceful bucolic landscapes of green. You are not going to see the majestic mountain peaks of course, but […]

Terschelling, a Dutch surprise

Manu | 18 July 2012 | no comments
Terschelling, a Dutch surprise

Terschelling, Holland, September 1st, 2009 I just arrived and I already feel like finishing my 1st Travel Diary with the memories of Terschelling, this tiny unknown island that hides unique sceneries and that is already part of me.

Queensday: I’ll be back on time!

Manu | 25 March 2012 | 2 comments
Queensday: I’ll be back on time!

THE PARTY OF THE YEAR If you are one of those unaware visitors arriving in Amsterdam in the morning of the 30th of April a dn expecting to have a couple of chilling smoky days in the capital of freedom, you will be simply amazed by what you will find just one step out of […]

South Iceland, a touch of Infinite

Manu | 2 December 2011 | no comments
South Iceland, a touch of Infinite

    From up North directly to down South, destination the South Coast of Iceland and hopefully the black sand beaches of Vik. Well, it was too windy to make it down there. For a moment the little van we were in couldn’t even stay on the road. What a day, what an adventure, what […]

And finally Amsterdam

Manu | 25 September 2009 | no comments
And finally Amsterdam

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 25th 2008 Let’s say that as of today my Dutch life in Amsterdam has officially started. After so much contemplation I let go of my laziness and I finally took my bike, and I must admit, I finally see everything with fresh eyes. Finally I see the town like the Dutch, […]