Happy Birthday to me! One year of 1st impressions…

Manu | 24 November 2012 | 5 comments
Happy Birthday to me! One year of 1st impressions…

  One year ago My 1st impressions was officially starting to hit my daily life and your daily network update !!! For me it was an exciting moment, it was almost like publishing a book, I could finally start sharing my travels and photos with my friends and with those who didn’t know me at […]

You can call me Manu

Manu | 26 August 2012 | 15 comments
You can call me Manu

Here it is some curios facts you may find interesting, funny or if you know me in person just typical me!   – I am left handed  – I speak Norwegian – I actually have a Degree in Scandinavian Languages and Literatures (Norwegian and Danish) in Rome – I am a cat person who is […]

Skydiving and the chill of flying the Infinite

Manu | 2 April 2012 | 2 comments
Skydiving and the chill of flying the Infinite

IF THERE WAS  a feeling that can ever be called happiness…then it must be this one! Skydiving has been the most crazy, amazing, incredible thing ever done in life, so good and unforgettable, so unique and exciting that I will do it for sure again and again. The fear and the adrenaline keep yourself up […]

The day I arrived in Auckland…

Manu | 22 March 2012 | no comments
The day I arrived in Auckland…

AUCKLAND, NZ, MARCH 23rd 2008 It was almost a shock to leave the isolated and majestic scenery of Milford Sound and get welcome by the urban reality of Auckland! In the imagination of everybody Auckland tastes like sea salt and has the blue as a main colour, but the truth is that when you arrive […]

Queenstown – The Queen of the Southern Emisphere towns

Manu | 20 November 2011 | no comments
Queenstown – The Queen of the Southern Emisphere towns

  Queenstown, New Zealand, March 21st 2008   This town perfectly embodies the spirit of New Zealand, with its colours, its flavours, the little interweaving streets and its people… the wonderful people who live in this place kissed by the gods…. Queenstown has not only welcomed me, but hugged me and literally made my fly. […]