Happy Birthday to me! One year of 1st impressions…

Manu | 24 November 2012 | 5 comments
Happy Birthday to me! One year of 1st impressions…

  One year ago My 1st impressions was officially starting to hit my daily life and your daily network update !!! For me it was an exciting moment, it was almost like publishing a book, I could finally start sharing my travels and photos with my friends and with those who didn’t know me at […]

Prague, like a fairy tale

Manu | 7 November 2012 | 3 comments
Prague, like a fairy tale

It was 2004 and with some of my best friends we decided to head to Dresden to visit a friend of ours who was in Erasmus there. We spent some days in Dresden and then from there we decided to go to Prague, as it was a stroll away and as it was going to […]

Orkneys Islands, a discovery of freedom

Manu | 10 October 2012 | 6 comments
Orkneys Islands, a discovery of freedom

You may already know how much I love Orkneys Islands, as I included on my top 3 favourite islands some time ago, but here I would like to share with you the page of my diary written when I just arrived there, with all my astonishment and happiness to have made it to such an […]

Møns Klint and the lucky stars!

Manu | 2 October 2012 | 1 comment
Møns Klint and the lucky stars!

“Basta with these cities…they look all the same!!! ”  these were my famous words on the train leaving Copenhagen and heading to the little island of Møns Klint with my friend back in the summer 2005. We had spent few days in the Danish capital, and it was still amazing but we were tired to […]

Bergen, my Norwegian love

Manu | 17 September 2012 | 5 comments
Bergen, my Norwegian love

20th June 2003 I go back to the starting point, there where everything started one yeat ago, the most beautiful and unpredictable year of my life. I haven’t even walked through the town yet, but I feel Bergen is the same than last year the same as usual, and I love it more than before […]

A sunset to remember

Manu | 20 August 2012 | no comments
A sunset to remember

What a great day of sun, light and warm I just had this weekend, one of those perfect days when mother Earth makes it everything posssible, even bathing in the Northern Sea with 30 degrees celsius. It may be that this was the last day of summer here in Holland, or at least for me […]

Riga, from far away lands to us…

Manu | 26 July 2012 | 3 comments
Riga, from far away lands to us…

The day I and my friend arrived to Riga we were almost at the end of our crazy journey that had brought us there in one week from Denmark, crossing Sweden, reaching Finland by 17 hour boat ride, getting to Helsinki where we didn’t find any accommodation, spending the day there and then sailing to […]

Terschelling, a Dutch surprise

Manu | 18 July 2012 | no comments
Terschelling, a Dutch surprise

Terschelling, Holland, September 1st, 2009 I just arrived and I already feel like finishing my 1st Travel Diary with the memories of Terschelling, this tiny unknown island that hides unique sceneries and that is already part of me.

Sevilla, Mediterranean guardian…

Manu | 5 April 2012 | no comments
Sevilla, Mediterranean guardian…

SEVILLA, 8TH MAY 2005 Seville…Seville is the South world that widely open its doors to me, with its colour and warmth, its people, its music that brings  my mind and my heart back to my old habits of a quiet life, the one I run away from because it din’t suit my soul’s restlessness. Seville […]

Skydiving and the chill of flying the Infinite

Manu | 2 April 2012 | 2 comments
Skydiving and the chill of flying the Infinite

IF THERE WAS  a feeling that can ever be called happiness…then it must be this one! Skydiving has been the most crazy, amazing, incredible thing ever done in life, so good and unforgettable, so unique and exciting that I will do it for sure again and again. The fear and the adrenaline keep yourself up […]

The day I arrived in Auckland…

Manu | 22 March 2012 | no comments
The day I arrived in Auckland…

AUCKLAND, NZ, MARCH 23rd 2008 It was almost a shock to leave the isolated and majestic scenery of Milford Sound and get welcome by the urban reality of Auckland! In the imagination of everybody Auckland tastes like sea salt and has the blue as a main colour, but the truth is that when you arrive […]

Vestmannaeyjar: unpronounceable and unforgettable!

Manu | 15 March 2012 | no comments
Vestmannaeyjar: unpronounceable and unforgettable!

HEYMAEY ISLAND, MARCH 15TH 2010! Getting to Heymaey, even if so close to the Icelandic coast, has been a travel itself. The ferry from Þorlákshöfn takes an absurd ride for about 3 hours before docking. That means if the sea is not calm like it was today, it can be hell. In fact, even with […]

Tallinn, Medieval sweetness

Manu | 29 January 2012 | no comments
Tallinn, Medieval sweetness

TALLINN, ESTONIA, SEPTEMBER 4TH 2005 Tallinn and its colours, its narrow streets, its cute old Old City, its friendly and merry people has really astonished me. I had heard so many good things about this town before arriving, but I really didn’t imagine it so beautiful. It has the charisma and the taste of Praga, […]

Lofoten, lost paradise of Norway

Manu | 11 January 2012 | no comments
Lofoten, lost paradise of Norway

LOFOTEN ISLANDS, NORWAY, JUNE 14th, 2003 We have truly arrived at the end of the world, both the human world and the natural one. Everything is extreme up here: weather, life, distances. My daily life from the beginning of summer is so far away.We are almost in a dimension of the afterlife, needed by the […]

A view of Sydney and a promise to come back!

Manu | 31 December 2011 | no comments
A view of Sydney and a promise to come back!

SIDNEY, AUSTRALIA, MARCH 28th 2008 Luckily this trip ends in Sydney. It will help me to make peace with Australia, with this world that I probably didn’t fully understand, but that Sydney allows you to forget, making you lose yourself among its sweet hills and breathtaking views of cliffs on the sea, and the opera […]

Brussels: capital of Europe!

Manu | 13 December 2011 | no comments
Brussels: capital of Europe!

    Brussels, Belgium, January 17th, 2009 This 2009 has barely begun and it already wants me on the road, I’m almost at the end of these old pages and along comes the sign of so many other paths to travel during this new year. I know it. I start the new year with a European […]

Prekenstolen, on the rock!

Manu | 21 November 2011 | no comments
Prekenstolen, on the rock!

      When I wrote the page below in 2003 I was exactly on the top of what you are watching on the photos now! Yeah! I was on the top of the Prekestolen and it was one of the greatest feelings ever! I was traveling through Norway since one month,at the end of […]

My first impression of Lisbon

Manu | 1 May 2005 | no comments
My first impression of Lisbon

  Lisbon, Portugal, May 1st 2005 This new journey is one of Mediterranean destinations a completely different world from the one I usually love to visit. Lisboa sings to me of far-away lands that these wanderers dreamt and sought first move here in their minds and then beyond the horizon. Contamination is the word that […]

Edinburgh, piece of my heart

Manu | 15 June 2004 | no comments
Edinburgh, piece of my heart

  Edinburgh, Scotland, July 15th 2004   Wonderful, to the point that it takes your breath away. Edinburgh is all this and more. I have only been here a few hours and it has already enchanted me. I think it is the most beautiful town I have ever seen. I’m still without words, I let […]

Heading North: Trondheim

Manu | 11 June 2003 | no comments
Heading North: Trondheim

Trondheim, Norway, June 11th 2003 After five months I return to my diary and to my life. Five months that I should have commented on but I preferred instead to leave them in silence, to then recapture them here , from THE North, from the furthest North I have ever been, and that I know […]